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TV, Podcast, and Radio (select)
- Sveriges Radio
- Sveriges Radio
- Globo TV with Leila Sterenberge
- Academic Edgelords
- MSNBC – Mehdi Hassan I
- MSNBC – Mehdi Hassan II
- Glenn Beck I
- Glenn Beck II
- Glenn Beck III
- Conversa com Pedro Bial
- Dekonstruktiv kritik med Aron Flam I
- Dekonstruktiv kritik med Aron Flam II
- Dekonstruktiv kritik med Aron Flam III
- This is Critical with Virginia Heffernan
- Jack Murphy Live
- Give Them an Argument with Ben Burgis
- The Spectator Podcast
- The Rob Maness Show
- The Tom Hartmann Show
- Hallie-Casser-Jayne Show
- Wisconsin Public Radio
- Vermont Public Radio
- National Radio (Australia)
- National Radio (Australia). May 29, 2017.
- Nueva Sociedad
- Real Clear Values
- Real Clear Values II
- Straight White American Jesus
- George Washington Forum
- No Politics at the Dinner Table
- North East Bylines
- The Glitterpill Podcast
- The Future Of… with Owen Bennett Jones
- Oxford University (PPE Society)
- Loopcast
- The Modern Platonist
- New Books Network
- Plastic Pills
- WORT Radio, Madison
- Parallax Views
- The Federalist
- Politics, Politics, Politics
- Dunc tank
- University of Campinas (Department of Philosophy)
- Drew Berquist
- Fundação FHC
- Letters and Politics
- Counterflow
- Tennessee Star
- Colorado Matters, Colorado Public Radio
- Metro (KGNU Colorado)
- Bard vs. Sweeny
- Technosocial
- Jim Bohannon
- Illuminati Watcher
- The Politicrat
- Unicamp Press interview
- “What Does Music Say About the Future of White Nationalism?” Colorado Public Radio. August 18, 2017.
- “Främlingsfientlig musik tar på sig offerroll visar ny avhandling” [New Dissertation shows how Xenophobic Music embraces Victimization]. Swedish Radio P1. July 7, 2013.
- “Sista kvällen med bandet” [The Last Evening with the Band]. Swedish Radio P1. July 26, 2012.
- “Kan ha brukt musikk som inspirasjon” [Breivik May have used Music for Inspiration]. Norwegian Radio. August 1, 2011. (Summary)
- “Musik viktigt för hans ideologi” [Music Important to Breivik’s Ideology]. Swedish Radio P1. July 28, 2011.
Printed Interviews (select)
- Letras Libres, July 31, 2024.
- BBC, June 30, 2024.
- Expresso. April 3, 2024.
- “Tradicionalismo, extrema direita global e crise democrática: uma conversa com Benjamin Teitelbaum.” Revista Eco-Pos. July 1, 2023.
- “Lula entretém Rússia de um jeito que não é divertido, diz pesquisador da extrema direita.” Folha de São Paulo. May 6, 2023.
- “Opositores precisam aceitar legitimidade do Estado democrático.” O Globo. January 15, 2023.
- “Wenn behauptet wird, er sei Putins Gehirn, ist das nicht korrekt.” Die Welt. August 25, 2022.
- The American Conservative
- Folha de S.Paulo
- Folha de S.Paulo II
- El Pais – Brazil
- “Meet Daniel Friberg, the Swedish Mining Tycoon Bankrolling the Alt-Right’s Global Media Empire.” International Business Times, March 6, 2017.
- “Nationalister vänder ryggen åt musiken [Nationalists Turn Their Back on Music].” Dagens Nyheter, March 1, 2017.
- “Amerikansk forskare: SD får 20 procent [American Researcher: Sweden Democrats can reach 20%].” Aftonbladet. March 3, 2015.
- “Ekspert: YouTube er blevet en politisk arena for ekstremister [Expert: Youtube Has Become an Arena for Extremists].” Berlingske. January 19, 2015.
- “Ruotsidemokraatit voi laittaa hallituksen polvilleen [Sweden Democrats Can Bring the Government to its Knees].” Helsingin Sanomat. December 1, 2014.
- “SD-Karlsson kliver ut ur skuggan [Karlsson of the Sweden Democrats Comes out of the Shadow].” Dagens Nyheter. November 9, 2014.
- “How Sweden Became the Most Alt-Right Country in Europe.” Buzzfeed, May 3, 2017.